Chumash Hebrew Language Program

World within a Word is a Chumash Hebrew Language program designed for elementary school. Its unique visual learning methodology helps the young student develop an analytical eye to discover the World within each Word. This fun and unforgettable learning experience reveals that Hebrew is truly Loshen HaKodesh – The Holy Language. Tried and tested in schools worldwide.
World within a Word includes:

  •  A vocabulary program
  •  Chumash application materials
Methodology & Learning Style

The language principles are taught using a Color-Coding methodology. This is further enhanced with the image of “Building Bricks” whereby each component of the word is illustrated as a separate “Building Brick”.

These two visual methodologies highlight the perfect structure in the word helping the young student develop an analytical eye rather than having to rely on rote learning.

The program incorporates various learning styles such as
● visual
● tactile
● logic

Through a variety of media including
● work books
● stickers
● wooden and perspex blocks.

Vocabulary Mastered

A major component to the success of the program is the systematic approach to mastering Chumash Vocabulary. The vocabulary words are also color-coded thus reinforcing the language principles.


The three vocabulary resources include:

  • High Frequency vocabulary words
  • Parsha specific vocabulary words
  • Alef-Tav Dictionary on Sefer Bereishit and the whole of Chumash.
Verbs Simplified

Verbs Simplified

The complexities of verbs are simplified with the aid of two mnemonics thus allowing the young student to decode any verb.

Chumash Application Materials

The program empowers the student to independently translate and understand the Chumash Text being studied. This is achieved through the following
Chumash-based materials:

  • vocabulary words
  • language exercises
  • actual color-coded Chumash text
Comprehensive Understanding

The program consists of three levels whereby the student develops a comprehensive understanding of the Hebrew language. Both the language and vocabulary skills are mastered in a short time. The program empowers not only Chumash learning but all areas of Kodesh Learning. The teachers themselves are equally enriched and empowered through training and support.

Tried and Tested

The program has been tried and tested worldwide with much success. I invite you to experience a “World within a Word”.

Rabbi Yossi Orkin
Director and Founder: World within a Word
South Africa +27 614748182