I commend Rabbi Yossi Orkin for translating his profound dikduk knowledge into a child friendly curriculum
Strong educational philosophies and diverse and creative educational media
A well thought-out curriculum, encouraging students to use a multi-sensory approach.
Together with his incredible knowledge of the subject and thorough follow up, this program is set to be a trailblazer.
World within a Word has made a tremendous impact at our school
The children thoroughly enjoy being "builders" breaking up and building words using their perspex blocks.
Manipulating words in such a concrete manor has brought the language of Chumash to life for our learners.
His concept of building words is so tangible to the children.
This gives them confidence and skills in learning Chumash.
Our Chumash lessons are a colourful, fun and exciting experience! Thank you Rabbi Orkin!
The workbook is written and presented in a very user friendly way and I have enjoyed teaching from it very much. I would highly recommend it!
As a teacher, I have found its method to be the most fundamental way to teach a complex subject, as it is broken down into a simple easy to understand color systems.
The learners are benefiting greatly from the application tools, such as the grammar grouping material and the Chumash application texts.
Even us, as teachers, have learnt so much from this program!